Videos of Paul Polak
Affordable Village Solar Informational Video (2:52)
The Story of Spring Health: 5-minute film
Compost Modern 2013: How Organizations Can Help People Out of Poverty Without Handouts
Out of Poverty: Paul Polak on Practical Problem Solving (8:39)
TEDxMileHigh (12:41)
SOCAP13 (12:36)
SOCAP: Water for 100 Million (23:08)
eClip: Viable New Market Opportunities (1:49)
Spring Health: Affordable Safe Drinking Water (2:18)
SunWater Indigogo Video (3:27)
CBC’s The Hour with George Stroumboulopoulos (9:45)
Investing for the Poor- Talk at the Vatican (24:05)
World Economic Forum 2013: An Insight, An Idea with Paul Polak (30:32)
Aspen Institute ANDE Conference 2013 Pannel Discussion (1:09:47)
Paul Polak at Berkeley’s Haas B School: Keys to Problem Solving (3:01)